Sunday, January 18, 2009

I really should post...

But it feels so good to be lazy!!! I haven't been lazy all the time though, mostly I've been busy! We got in late Monday night, mom and dad left Wednesday morning and we hit the ground running, picking up where we left off but with more laundry. The kids had church Wednesday night, I had a doctor's appt Thursday, kids had to be carted to various and sundry places Friday and Saturday... In between the driving we got some things done. I spent my birthday money, we got a paper shredder for Mark's business, bbq for my birthday, kids went to church and spent the night with friends, etc, etc. Anyway, I am TIRED now and Ryan has apparently contracted the flu, yuck, so we may all be sick next week. He was fine Saturday afternoon when we took him to a friends' house but came down with high fever and chills late that night and has been that way all day today. He tried to watch football but ended up going to bed early.

My camera decided to die while we were on vacation but my brother just happened to be giving me his old one(again). My computer won't upload from it so I have to use the girls' which means no pics for a few days. I'll try to get to that in the next day or so.*G*

It is 8:15 and I'm headed to bed. Whew.


Betts said...

Get some Emergen-C for you and the rest of the family, get plenty of rest, wash your hands lots and lots, try not to touch your nose and eyes.... and maybe.... just maybe.... you won't get sick.

The WoodLand School said...

Glad you're back! Looking forward to seeing photos : )
In the meantime, stay well!

Anet said...

Hope Ryan feels better soon and the rest of the family stays healthy. Sometimes slowing down is forced upon us.

Chickenbells said...

Goodness...that's a whole lot of stuff, eh? I've been sneezy and snotty all day as well...