Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Unexplained...

(Gypsy and Jasper sharing a box)

Something weird happened to me early this morning. I was dozing, aware of the room getting lighter, not ready to move yet. I felt Mark tapping me on the crown of my head but couldn't feature him wanting to wake me up since he knew I was sick. It happened again so I questioned him, "What? What is it?" as I turned over. He had been awakening and hadn't touched me, his arms were still bound in the covers. I told him what I had felt and he said he had not patted me on the head. I sat up and looked behind the pillows thinking a cat was lurking but there was nothing. He said, "Ruby is on my feet and Gypsy has been in the window for the past 10 minutes. Nothing touched your head." But something did. It tapped on the back of my head, two different times.

The sick bed has officially been moved to the couch.

If you want some real chills go read what happened to Brin over the weekend. It was a very real experience for her brother and her dog.


Chris@Cats On My Quilts said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. I must say I got a little depressed when I saw on your blog how many days until fall! Summer's short in NH and winter's long and in between is a short fall so I could be happy if fall didn't show up for a while. Hope you feel better soon.

Chickenbells said...

How very strange! I hope you get better soon...and things stop tapping you on the head...

Anet said...

woooooo!!!!!!! (ghost moan)
It's just a spirit trying to get your attention that's all!
Or-- you're not chugging down NyQuil or anything are you?

~Molly~ said...

ha, nothing but two advil the night before! I've not been in the room since I got up though.

A Slice of the Pie said...

First hope you feel better. It's always such a bummer to be stuck inside sick in the summer.

As for the tapping, interesting. We have something that -fortunately- stays in the basement. I've only sensed it, but my oldest son swears it nudges him when he is dozing down there on the sofa. The previous owners saw a young boy figure, so we guessing it's the same, um, person.

Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

OK, now you and Brin have freaked me out. Hope you're feeling all better soon.